DISABLE_[XYZ] is incompatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE and Z_SAFE_HOMING thinkyhead added PR: Improvement PR: Configurations labels Jul 4, 2017 Hide details View details thinkyhead merged commit b8066fb into MarlinFirmware : bugfix-1.1.x Jul 4, 2017 The following configuration works on 1.1.0 RC3: Safe Z-homing area is defined by X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER and Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER (homing is allowed if the probe is within the printing area). They are all ignored when the printer is homing. Clearance (Z1) and Plunge (Z2) The Clearance (Z1) is the most important setting. #endif, //=========================================================================== If you're very attached to 1.0.2-1 then perhaps someone can locate the place where the bug was patched and you can apply it to your own copy. The conditions come into effect when we allocate storage for the coefficients of some mechanism. Sign in // // For a servo-based Z … #define Z_SAFE_HOMING // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area. If you're not using Marlin or newer versions of Marlin, then you should ignore this :) Now all I have to do is test it out. Yes. // // To use a separate Z probe, your board must define a Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN. G32 uses the probe points defined in eeprom. Safe Z-homing area is defined by X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER and Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER (homing is allowed if the probe is within the printing area). Without this, you may accidentally miss the bed when homing Z. I concur with @Blue-Marlin. This prevents your Z homing from occuring without prior X and Y homing. I don't know that it will work, but it has a fair chance of working. To increase the homing speed, increase HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY from (20*60) to … You signed in with another tab or window. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area. While helping to enlighten me as to what was going on, did not actually inform of the clash while I was making my configuration choices. //===========================================================================, //Can use any sensor type Yes i can do that but, when i leveling (G32) with gama min homing active, its make autohome all axis. //it is highly recommended you let this Z_SAFE_HOMING enabled!!! 10 comments Closed ... // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled. #endif Mechanica Firmware – Marlin. So, I have played with the #defines explained below, but I couldn't even make any single mm difference by homing. < all mech_endstop settings go here> The other X and Z axes are OK. M121 - Disable Endstops control Disable endstops and keep them enabled when not homing. Website. privacy statement. P.S. Because, the new extruder is stopping slightly off the y-axis when homing. But things would be less cluttered and not buried in obfuscating nested conditionsl blocks. M121. After this command endstops will be kept disabled when not homing. A NOZZLE never goes off the bed unless something is configured wrong or there is a dump area. For extra clarity, here’s how the Z minimum endstop looks when enabled: #define Z_MIN_PIN 18 and here’s how it looks when disabled: #define Z_MIN_PIN -1 //18 I don’t use MAX endstops, those are endstops placed at the maximum ends of an axis. It probably would be better stated as a carriage mounted probe. Uncomment Z_SAFE_HOMING. Please Help going nuts! // Use “Z Safe Homing” to avoid homing with a Z probe outside the bed area. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and #define Z_SAFE_HOMING // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area. We're just a little shy to mess with any homing or leveling code because it deals with a lot of different configurations and it can be kind of fragile. So we should work on this in the dev branch for 1.2 and perhaps it can also get into 1.1.1. Thanks tho for the quick answer. So I'm curious. Description. Notes. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: That behaviour does look as if you are not using a recent RC or RCBugFix. On Jan 1, 2016, at 5:32 PM, MacTheApple notifications@github.com wrote: It would be mush more usable if the statements went: //=========================================================================== ... Z_SAFE_HOMING. This prevents your Z homing from occurring without prior X and Y homing. // // To use a separate Z probe, your board must define a Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN. Secondly disable the Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN option as below. Sign in Notes. Z Safe Homing prevents Z from homing when the probe (or nozzle) is outside bed area by moving to a defined XY point (by default, the middle of the bed) before Z Homing when homing all axes with G28. //===========================================================================. I don't consider the time it takes to move from one instruction to the next as inactivity. Homing is required before G29, M48, and some other procedures.. //Must use either servo or proximity sensor If the measurements check out as above, then it should be safe to send the Z axis to zero position, send the g-code command G1 Z0 through the terminal. You signed in with another tab or window. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME is also set to its default. ok, that didn't work, but it gave me a hint to something that at least compiles. < all prox settings go here (including alt z min probe, Z_safe homing, etc)> ), and DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME? Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub #2877 (comment). The difference compared to Configuration.h is that it offers us more detailed customization options, and experimental or in development functions. If i change gamma_min_endstop to Not Connected, i cannot home Z normally. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area. If homing is needed the LCD will blink the X Y Z indicators. If you homed the Z-Axis in a location where the Z-Probe would miss the bed, really bad things happened. // // For a servo-based Z probe, you must set up servo support below, including So search and enable Z_SAFE_HOMING if using a BlTouch or probe. //============================ Bed Auto Leveling ============================ Does not work, still attempts to home Z at X=0, and Y=0. As a side-effect, X and Y homing are required before Z homing. @Blisk — One thing we did add is an option to stop the downward probe movement as soon as it goes past the expected trigger point, so it won't try to go 100mm below the bed… The option is called Z_PROBE_LOW_POINT. Ender3 Pro Octopi Marlin [] SKR1.4 turbo w/220 … #endif Now we will save the Configuration.h file and edit a new file called Configuration_adv.h . Z_PROBE_BED_DISTANCE would be fine and for z max homing we even use this for a starting height after z homing … Without this, you may accidentally miss the bed when homing Z. Already on GitHub? #define Z_SAFE_HOMING • Uncomment line 110. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. Right now, in order to do that, I would have to enable auto-bed leveling, which is incompatible with my printbed. Have a question about this project? This feature request should be kept alive, but re-opened in the MarlinDev issue queue. Z switch should be for safety, because inudctive sensors are not reliable, I have changed 5 inductive sensors because they crashed nozzle into my heatbed. // With this feature enabled: // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled. But the history of the Safe Homing was because the probe offset from the nozzle was causing problems. Would these be the release candidates listed as "Not for production use – use with caution!"? Usage M121 . The only additional definitions required for safe homing in 1.1.0 RC3 are X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING, XY_TRAVEL_SPEED. It's fixed now. Plus this comment, // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled. Informatie (ENG) Marlin is a firmware for RepRap 3D printers, the software that resides on the controller board and controls the input/output, voltage states, and movement of the 3D printer. //#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN P0_10. G28 disables bed leveling. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. privacy statement. // To continue using the Z-min-endstop for homing, be sure to disable Z_SAFE_HOMING. //#define Z_probe_Servo //enable if you have a servo sensor on Z @thinkyhead Tried it. The safe X & Y point automatically get set to the middle of the bed. When the Z axis is at the end stop, the gap between the hot end nozzle and the platform should be slightly more than both Z_MAX_POS and home offset added together. // Example: To park the head outside the bed area when homing with G28. // You will want to disable Z_SAFE_HOMING above as you will still use the Z min endstop for homing. Please open a new issue for related bugs. Uncomment Z_SAFE_HOMING. If stepper drivers time out, X and Y homing will be required again. PS: It would be great to have a skeleton for this configuration in the Configuration.h file. I can't find DISABLE_INACTIVE_X in Configuration.h or Configuration_adv.h so its safe to say its set to whatever it's default is. Trial and error is the tactic to go. Tricky, as there have been ~800 patches since 1.0.2-1. I left Z_SAFE_HOMING enabled and instead of going at the middle of the bed, it goes at the top end right corner ({30,30} instead of {15,15}).I have the feeling the distance is multiplied by 2 for some reason. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. It will move up a little twice when it is homing Z. #If Enabled(Z_probe_Servo) Where do I enter my values here? #If Enabled(Z_probe_mech_endstop) I made the if statement unique so that it would not fire twice if auto bed leveling was on instead of mesh bed leveling. , //=========================================================================== It would be much more usable if the statements went: However, I have never seen why all of these defines are conditional at all. It is going out of the standard 20x20 cm bed. // Example: To park the head outside the bed area when homing with G28. *_PROBE_BED_POSITION are used for auto-leveling only. Z_SAFE_HOMING as detailed in the comments indicates that it is to prevent a nozzle mounted probe from homing off the bed. ), DISABLE_INACTIVE_X (etc. Had zero effect on the stated issue. make Z safe homing independent of auto bed leveling. i tried looking at marlin.main, as that's where it was throwing errors before, but i dont really see the issue, although it does say this: Ok, after looking at it a bit more, it might be better if there was just had a section for the type of z axis sensor used, with all the options for that sensor being in that section, If I'm using a prox sensor and I don't want to use auto bed leveling, I cant access the option to use an alternate z min probe pin either. If you want to hard code a location, you can do it by doing something like: Found it out myself already works perfect. #define Z_probe_mech_endstop //leave enabled unless you have a special type of endstop, #If Enabled(Z_probe_Prox) // // For a servo-based Z probe, you must set up servo support below, including A work around is to disable Z safe homing or to move the safe area to 0,0 instead of bedwith/2,beddepth/2 Another thing you can do is use older versions of Marlin that don't currently have this bug. • Go to line 380 and set Y offset to mount offset (Recommended mounts use -10 for the Y offset.) If you don’t want that then you … There was an error in 1.0.2-1. 1.0.2-1 is stable in the sense of - No error has been fixed since 18 month. So, Safe Homing insured the Z-Probe was going to touch the bed (and stop movement of the nozzle). This is a bug apparently in 1.0.2-1. // // To use a separate Z probe, your board must define a Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN. < all servo settings go here(sled options, other servo stuff)> It will not smash down into your spoil board. #endif Brought to you with lack of and lots of . When you open the Material Setup form using the Setup Material and Rapid Gaps tool in the Toolpath Tab, you will see settings for Clearance (Z1) and Plunge (Z2).These are also referred to as the Safe Z settings. I think it is because of the Z_Safe_Homing … // To continue using the Z-min-endstop for homing, be sure to disable Z_SAFE_HOMING. Please give that a try and let us know what happened. The result of homing the z-axis should thus place the build surface at the z=0 plane. Un-comment the proper line in the configuration file to read: #define Z_SAFE_HOMING This will make the printer aware of the sensor, and home Z in the middle of the bed (default behavior, but can be changed), so that your sensor is never off the bed when probing the bed for Z homing. to your account, So this one took me a while to figure out, but basically, having an axis set to disable when "inactive" will lead to issues with z home. This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Follow with M420 S to turn leveling on, or use RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28 to automatically keep leveling on after G28. I would rather use mesh bed leveling, but there appears to be no way to manually set the XY position for Z homing in that mode. // Only one of these can be on at a time. First two are used to define the safe homing area (Z-homing is considered safe if the probe is above the printing area). I'm not joking. They can be used for homing … Which means a G28 Z will result in all three axes being homed instead of just Z. Examples. //==============================Z Endstop Options =========================== Disable endstops. to your account. If using a Probe for Z Homing, enable Z_SAFE_HOMING also! @Nanox z home xy is only used for homing order z up xy preheat z. Change DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME to 300 for a better experience. Homing Z only won't work if X or Y is not homed or X or Y stepper was disabled by timeout. Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT and Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT are used only when you home all axes with G28 command. Already on GitHub? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I think this might be OK. To enable safe z homing disable homing override and provide a X,Y coordinate of your Z endstop pin. I realized something else when disabling BLTOUCH. What are your configured settings for DISABLE_X (etc. This may have side-effects if using SD_ABORT_ON_ENDSTOP_HIT. Is there a specific reason that the firmware will not compile if z safe homing is enabled outside the auto bed leveling section, and could it be made to operate independently of any specific bed leveling feature? So if you are not running G28 it is ignored. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and // In order to use this, you must have a Z_PROBE_PIN defined in the pins.h file for your control board. @thinkyhead I left most things things at their defaults. While helping to enlighten me as to what was going on, did not actually inform of the clash while I was making my configuration choices. //=========================================================================== I couldnt solve that leveling command issue. To increase the homing speed, increase HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY from (20*60) to (40*60) and HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z from (4*60) to (8*60). For example, Will both lead to the unhelpful "Home X/Y before Z" error. @Nocturnal42 Neither do we. //it is highly recommended you let this Z_SAFE_HOMING enabled!!! And Marlin 1.0.x is not being patched at this time. What happens if you turn on Z_SAFE_HOMING and don't turn on the Auto Bed Leveling? Z_SAFE_HOMING as a general option is something that we have discussed a lot and everyone agrees it can be helpful. //#define Z_probe_Prox //enable if you have a prox sensor on Z I hope they will enable this in marlin. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. // To continue using the Z-min-endstop for homing, be sure to disable Z_SAFE_HOMING. is neither defined nor tested this way, but should be required for homing z only. Personally, I don't consider the time it takes to move from one instruction to the next as inactivity, but there it is. Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT and Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT are used only when you home all axes with G28 command. Disable endstops. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT ((Y_BED_SIZE) / 2) // Y point for Z homing when homing all axes (G28). So, I would eliminate all of the #if/#endif from the Configuration section. I haven't looked at the code real carefully to verify that. It is therefore recommended you update to 1.1.0-RC7 or start tracking along with RCBugFix. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. Here is some related settings: Actual behaviour: Z_Safe_Homing home in the back right corner; When I print a calibration cube with cura (I made the configuration of the bed dimension in cura), even if the cube is place in the middle of the plate, the cube print in the back right corner. If you use false on the Z axis you don’t need to have a switch attached and the machine will think it is home where ever it is when it is homing. // Example: To park the head outside the bed area when homing with G28. Until then, they are just defining preprocessor names. Like I say, I haven't looked at the code real carefully to verify this, but this does seem like a reasonable request. We can still organize the items in sections according to functionality. Have a question about this project? //=========================== Manual Bed Leveling =========================== You would do this by going into Configuration.h and moving these lines: At that point, you will have the #define's you need for Safe Homing defined even though the Auto Bed leveling is not turned on. Marlin [ Z_Safe_Homing not centered, Bltouch going off bed. [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 175.5,253 z_hop: 5.0 Quad Gantry Levelling Settings eg. Thanks for the software, I'd be very unhappy without it. A critical step in setting up probes and automatic bed levelling within Marlin 2 is Z_SAFE_HOMING. — Before uncommenting After uncommenting //#define CUSTOM_PROBE #define CUSTOM_PROBE • Go to line 379 and set X offset to mount offset (recommended mounts use -40 for the X offset.) PS: It would be great to have a skeleton for this configuration in the … Without this option enabled the nozzle will crash into the bed when homing. I have a modified bed on my printer that is not in line with the X and Y endstops, so I need to be able to tell it to move to a specific spot to home Z. Homing when homing BlTouch or probe lead to the middle of the homing! Do is test it out axes with G28 command may accidentally miss the bed area // to! Github account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community both... This command endstops will be required again, BlTouch going off bed, and! Be sure to disable Z_SAFE_HOMING is that it would not fire twice if auto bed.... 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