The sweet spot is generally between 20 and 200 cards per deck. 4. With these tips you will be successful learning any goal you have set and reach it in the most efficient and effective way possible. How many/ much rice did you buy? I rarely go over 20-25 flash cards per test. Just be careful not to overdo it. From now on, you will be repeating as close as possible to 30 cards every day, and you make sure that you will add new flashcards when the number of scheduled repetitions is below 30 or not learn new flashcards when the number of scheduled repetitions is above 30. You decide that you want to learn 10 new words every day. For concepts and the like, I think it's better to "talk it out" where I pretend I'm giving a presentation or teaching the concepts to someone. Move missed terms/phrases to another list and do again. It works. It quickly became obvious to me that while spaced repetition was amazing, it could easily be my undoing if I tried to make too many cards. It is better to learn regularly every day but relatively little such as 5 words in the beginning and then maybe up to 20 to 30 words per day. Long-term memories on the other hand are formed by much less volatile and more permanent neural connections. Is there a more efficient way to study that has worked well for you? That is because your brain labels it again and again with each try, like stacking post it notes on top of each other. If you’re a preclinical student and have more than a few months before your test, begin the Broencephalon Anki deck. It is better learning little but consistently, in small bites so to say: e.g. For the transfer of information from the short-term to the long-term memory, that is learning and retaining new information, the region of the brain called hippocampus is needed. You can make the experiment yourself doing some sessions on consecutive days in the morning or in the evening. This will clear up your brain again if you intend to keep learning. Before you take in another cat, ask yourself these questions: 1. It brings you however stability if you want to plan your learning schedule. I tended to cram everything into my brain before an exam only to forget it the day after. Create a running list of vocabulary, phrases, dates, formulas or whatever. Still have questions? However, the second way, i.e. The only two ways to make room for new information is. Ever since I started to use Flashcard Learner, I just regularly do my repetitions - no stress before exams and my marks have improved significantly. Put the conversations in order. Graduated intervals, repetition spacing or repetition scheduling are used in the same way as spaced repetition. Learn when to use "too much" and "too many" Tinycards by Duolingo is a fun flashcard app that helps you memorize anything for free, forever. Flashcard Learner allows you to deal with such situations in several ways: The only drawback with these methods is that by postponing the scheduled repetition you will push the flashcards past their due date. But fortunately all of these minor drawbacks can be easily prevented simply by performing the repetition sessions in the morning. A flash card software for repetition scheduling is called SRS (spaced repetition software). In fact, being confronted with a large number of flashcards to repeat is a very bad thing. Learn 10 cards per day if you are OK to repeat 40, learn 100 cards per day, if you can mentally stand repeating 400 flashcards per day. How many flashcards is enough? Stop. I did all this using Anki. We say... We don’t say... I’ve got many toys. Whether you have one cat or several, you should keep in mind that you should care for it emotionally, but also financially and medically. Even worse, the recall and retention rate seems to be negatively affected for the repetition scheduled the next day for the newly learned flashcards.