Ce cours est de niveau Débutant et taille 653.75 Ko. Youâll notice a blue boundary line at the right and bottom edges of the sample data. Site alternative pour télécharger des cours informatique en PDFs BestCours.com | CoursPDF.net, Télécharger cours Cours PowerPoint 2010 en PDF. ï§ Choose Save from the Quick Access toolbar. Downloads : 503. Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 : Open PowerPoint 2010 Double-click on the : PowerPoint: icon on the desktop. -Dragging the elevator (the button located between the up and down arrows) moves you quickly through the presentation. NOTE: Selecting Title and Content allows you to create the most common slide types such as bullet lists, tables, and charts. ï§ To undo an indent, press Shift together with the Tab key. ï§ Click on the Chart icon in the center of the slide. §, The vertical scroll bar allows you to scroll through your slides. Moves you slide-by-slide in either direction. Microsoft PowerPoint is an electronic presentation program that helps people present a speech using a collection of slides. It organizes related functions into tabs. To replace sample data with your own data, click on a cell in the worksheet and type over your own data. ï§ Click once on the appropriate thumbnail to bring up the next slide. ï§ Follow PowerPoint's on-screen prompts to enter text ("Click to add..."). PowerPoint, tuto PowerPoint, cours de formation PowerPoint, télécharger cours PowerPoint pdf gratuit, aide et support PDF. Free PDF. A short summary of this paper. Clicking on the down arrow gives you access to other common functions that you can add to the toolbar. Téléchargez ou consultez le cours en ligne Cours PowerPoint 2010, tutoriel PDF gratuit par Chantal Bourry en 61 pages. or. Download PDF Package . Cours Cours PowerPoint 2003 par Chantal Bourry en 47p. Data for PowerPoint charts is actually entered in Excel. Dengan kaitkata cara tutorial power point, … This paper. For instance, if you click once on an image to select it, the Format tab appears,, offering you ways to adjust the selected image. Ce cours est destiné à un usage strictement personnel, le fichier est de format pdf de niveau Débutant , la taille du fichier est 1.34 Mo. Nous espérons que vous trouverez toutes les réponses à vos questions. ï§ You can also click on a thumbnail to advance your presentation to that slide. Il est destiné à un usage strictement personnel. Cours et tutoriels pour apprendre Cours PowerPoint 2010. ï§ Sample legend headings will disappear in each cell as you begin typing your own. ï§ Lets you type speaker notes for each slide. ï§ Use the right arrow key to move from cell to cell, or click on the next cell over using the mouse. ï§ By default, your slide should run a preview the chosen animation as you click on it once. To dim previous bulleted points, while still in the Custom Animation task pane: ï§ Click on the down arrow by the animation listing. ESSENTIAL Microsoft Office 2010: Tutorials for Teachers Copyright © Bernard John Poole, 2010.All rights reserved viii 4.1 GETTING STARTED..... 123 9.3 shows the Tudor Monarchs presentation in Normal View as it appears on your screen right after you open the document. >ï§ Click on the down arrow by the After animation window. ï§ Located to the left of the slide pane. You may only drag in one direction at a time (either horizontally to expand the number of columns or vertically to expand the number of rows). April 14, 2017 Mei 5, 2017 AphikArea. 9.3). This tutorial uses a template. 1 Microsoft Outlook 2010 : vue d’ensemble Microsoft® Outlook® 2010 offre à plus de 500 millions d’utilisateurs Office du monde entier des outils très efficaces de gestion de messagerie, personnelle et professionnelle. ï§ When pointed outside of the text area, the pointer becomes an arrow. The Task bar displays the number of the current slide in the presentation (e.g., Slide 1 of 1, Slide 2 of 2, etc.). (See illustration below for thumbnail descriptions.). Download free training material in pdf about the basics of PowerPoint 2010. To access PowerPoint 2010, you must have Microsoft Office 2010 installed in your PC. As you begin typing your bullet list, they will disappear aut. Vous trouverez votre bonheur sans problème!. Don't worry if some of your text appears cut-off; it should display! ï§ Choose Custom Animation from the Animations group. About the Editing Screen : 2 : Ribbon : The ribbon, which spans across the top of the PowerPoint screen, replaces the old Menu Bar and toolbars used in Microsoft Office programs up through version 2003 . partagé avec les autres outils de Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). Aditya Chrisnapati. Cours Cours Excel 2010 par Chantal Bourry en 104p. The Home tab, for instance, has a Font group that contains formatting options for adjusting font, font size, bold face, underline and italics. Les dernières nouveautés et surtout les meilleurs tutoriels sur vos thèmes préférés, voila pourquoi Misfu est le numéro 1 pour les cours et tutoriels à télécharger en pdf - PowerPoint 2010 et Powerpoint ! Vous y trouverez sans peine votre bonheur ! -Dragging the elevator (the button located between the up and down arrows) moves you quickly through the presenta. Microsoft Office Présentation de Microsoft Word 2010 Claude DUVALLET 26/08/2012 Page 9 / 34 Ce bloc permet de modifier tous les éléments ayant trait à la police de caractère du texte sélectionné. It also allows you to zoom in and out of your current slide (note the magnification slider on the right side of the Status Bar), and to change your slide view from the normal editing screen to multiple slide view (the Slide Sorter) and Slide Show view. close search. ï§ Located inside the slide. If your chart has fewer columns/rows than are displayed in the sample datasheet, click on the lower right corner and drag the mouse up/to the left to eliminate any extraneous columns/rows. Vous devriez venir voir notre documents de MS PowerPoint. Guide utilisateur - Outlook 2010 01.12.2014 JTo Page 11 Tout savoir sur le calendrier Le menu général Menu « Nouveau » : Vous permet de créer un nouveau rendez-vous (sans invitation à d’autre personne) ou alors une nouvelle réunion (avec mail d’invitation aux attenants à la réunion. ï§ It moves on-screen in the direction you move your mouse. Tag: tutorial powerpoint 2013 pdf Tutorial Membuat Background Gradient Fill pada Aplikasi Microsoft Power Point. PDFbib.com propose aussi des cours sur Microsoft powerpoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, Identifier les modèles, les masques, la gestion de couleurs et d'images, lÂanimation des objets, les textes et les diapositives. Nous avons essayé de rassembler un ensemble de documents ou des livres électroniques susceptibles de vous aider à maîtriser la Cours PowerPoint 2010. ï§ To indent a bullet (to make a sub-point), press Tab. Pada Tutorial saya ini saya akan memberikan informasi mengenai bagaimana membuat Background Gradient Fill pada Software Aplikasi Power Point secara simple dan mudah untuk bahan presentasi . PDF. En utilisant la galerie de transitions de PowerPoint 2010, vos présentations auront un aspect professionnel qui fera bien des envieux ! Tools appear directly above a tab and provide access to options that pertain to a just completed action. Taille : 1,148.75 Kb. ï§ Pressing Enter brings up the next bullet. It organizes related functions into tabs. ï§ Follow PowerPoint's on-screen prompts to enter text ("Click t. Click on the down arrow by the Save as type window. The large white typing area that features âClick to addâ¦â text prompts. When you open PowerPoint, the program takes you by default to a Title Slide screen. PowerPoint 2010 i About the Tutorial Microsoft PowerPoint is a commercial presentation application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. GUIDE PowerPoint 2010 (version débutante) - 10 - Marie-Josée Tondreau Conseillère pédagogique TIC 819 762-0931 poste 1489 ou 1-866-234-3728 poste 1489 mariejosee.tondreau@cegepat.qc.ca 6. Les modèles Dans le ruban « Création », vous trouverez les modèles existants. Submitted On : 2015-12-30. Double-cliquez sur le modèle ou sur le thème dans le volet central. Ignore the thumbnails that appear in the center of the screen, unless you plan to add additional content to the slide. et beaucoup d'autres cours en informatique. ï§ Enter legend headings directly beneath the cells labeled B, C, D and so on. ï§ Click on Title and Content from the list of layout options displayed. Cours BARDON - Microsoft Office POWERPOINT 2010 - Cours GRATUIT, CLAIR, COMPLET, TELECHARGEABLE au format PDF. This is the standard first slide of a PowerPoint presentation. ï§ When you click inside the placeholder, a blinking text insertion point--or cursor--appears, and you can enter text. A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of slides that can be used to create oral presentations. ï§ Enter the categories you are measuring in the column labeled A. One of the first things you will want to think about is the “look” or design theme of your slides. Located to the right of and beneath the slide pane. Start entering legend headings in Column. Ce fichier est accessible gratuitement. English expand_more expand_less; Español; Português; PowerPoint 2010. Efficace Posters are made up of elements that include text boxes, tables, graphs, images and design elements such as lines and shapes. ï§ To erase an unwanted bullet, click next to that bullet and press the Backspace key. You can also access these different views by clicking on the View tab and going to the Presentation Views group. La zone de saisie « Rechercher des modèles sur Office.com » permet de saisir des mots clés pour afficher des modèles s’y rapportant. Lesson 9: PowerPoint presentations 281 Fig. It organizes related functions into tabs. NOTE: To save your presentation in a previous version of PowerPoint: ï§ Click on New Slide from the Home tab. So if you want to decrease the number of columns and rows, youâll have to do it in one direction at a time. Get PowerPoint help creating and managing presentations. PowerPoint presentations can amplify your message, accelerate the information being absorbed and assist with comprehension enabling faster decision making. DOCX. ï§ When pointed at text, the pointer becomes a cursor, assuming the shape of an I-beam. Téléchargez document PowerPoint 2010 gratuit en PDF, grâce à cette formation vous allez vous initier sur les bases pour faire des présentations dynamiques et animés, ce support est détaillé afin de vous accompagner dans l'utilisation de cet outil. Bienvenue sur ce cours animé consacré à Powerpoint 2010. The ribbon, which spans across the top of the PowerPoint screen, replaces the old Menu Bar and toolbars used in Microsoft Office programs up through version 2003. Fig. MS office PowerPoint 2010 tutorial PDF... Ribbon. Youâll now see a split screen; PowerPoint is on the left and Microsoft Excel has just launched and appears to the right, with sample chart data displayed. Topics. Outlook Mobile 2010 ..... 69 Outlook Web App ..... 69 Liens fournis dans ce guide de produit..... 69 . 23 Full PDFs related to this paper. ï§ Click on a color choice for dimming the previous bullets. Table of contents. Lorsque vous déposez votre souris sur un modèle, vous pouvez observer un aperçu dans la diapositive. When you open a new presentation in PowerPoint 2010, the program assumes that you will begin your slide show with a Title slide. The Home tab, for instance, has a Font group that contains formatting options … Résumé sur le cours GUIDE PowerPoint 2010 (version débutante) Support de cours à télécharger gratuitement sur GUIDE PowerPoint 2010 (version débutante) de categorie MS PowerPoint. You can create a table, chart, SmartArt graphic, or you can insert a saved picture, clip art, or media clip. PowerPoint template. The ribbon, which spans across the top of the PowerPoint screen, replaces the old Menu Bar and toolbars used in Microsoft Office programs up through version 2003. ï§ Displays thumbnail versions of slides in your presentation. ï§ When printed out, the slide image and notes for that slide appear together on the same page. Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Basics ABOUT THIS CLASS This class is designed to give a basic introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. Vous devriez venir découvrir nos documents Powerpoint. You may only drag in one direction at a t, Course to learn MS PowerPoint 2010 from A to Z, Advanced Microsoft office PowerPoint training manual PDF, Detailed Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 training for beginners, Learn and master Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 PDF courses, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 introduction course, Microsoft office PowerPoint 2007 PDF guide step by step, Microsoft PowerPoint Office Training for Intermediate Level. Il est destiné à un usage strictement personnel. This is the area where youâll type your slide text. PDF. The Paragraph group contains icons that control margins, spacing and indentation, among other things. ï§ Use the Save in window to locate where you plan to save your file. Ce cours est de niveau Débutant et taille 653.75 Ko. Normal View is what is typically used to create and edit PowerPoint slides. The fundamental The horizontal scroll bar appears when you zoom in on part of the slide so that the entire slide doesn't fit within the viewable area. L’utilisation en est relativement intuitive. Premium PDF Package. ï§ Located at the very top of the screen. If you have more columns/rows in your chart than are filled in by sample data, simply click on the lower right corner where the blue lines meet and drag the mouse down/to the right until you see displayed the correct number of columns 12 and rows. ï§ Displays thumbnail versions of slides in your present, ï§ When you click inside the placeholder, a blinking text insertion point--or cursor--appears, and you can. Pour visionner ces leçons de manière optimale, appuyez sur la touche F11 pour les voir en mode plein écran PowerPoint 2010: Animating a Presentation Topics came directly from Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Help. (Look for "Click to add..." prompts). Create a free account to download. Cours GUIDE PowerPoint 2010 (version débutante) par Marie-Josée Tondreau en 24p. NOTE: As you begin typing data in each cell, the sample data from the next cell disappears automatically. This pdf tutorial will help you understand PowerPoint 2010 features and create presentation for school or work. Cours Cours Word 2010 par Chantal Bourry en 84p. 9.3 The Tudor Monarchs presentation Take a look at the Slide View tools in the lower left corner of the PowerPoint window (Fig. NOTE: All "Click to add..." prompts are optional. This is a customizable toolbar that provides access to commonly used functions such as Save or Undo Last Action. Title: Powerpoint 2010 tutorial for beginners pdf, Author: JamesMannino4747, Name: Powerpoint 2010 tutorial for beginners pdf, Length: 4 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2017-07-06 . You can display the bulleted list one bullet point at a time rather than all at once. III. Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 This PDF tutorial is aimed at beginner who wants to creat their own PowerPoint presentation ,easy course with illustrative images,free training lesson under 14 pages by Dawn Rauscher. PowerPoint 2010 is the presentation application in the Microsoft Office suite. The sample data disappears as soon as you begin typing over it. Download Free PDF. We will understand how to start PowerPoint 2010 application in simple steps. Illustré d'exemples faciles et rapides à tester. NOTE: Selecting Title and Content allows you to create the most common s. Follow PowerPoint's on-screen prompts to enter text. ï§ The Custom Animation window appears to the right of your slide. Those related functions are further organized into groups. Only Office 2010 Home and Student, Home and Business, Standard, Professional and Professional Plus packages have PowerPoint included in them. If you don't type a sub-title, for instance, the Click to add⦠sub-title prompt won't appear when you present your slide. As you enter your own data in place of the sample data, PowerPoint automatically updates the chart d, If you have more columns/rows in your chart than are filled in by sample data, simply click on the lower right corner where the blue lines meet and drag the mouse down/to the right until you see displayed the correct number of columns 12 and rows. Data for PowerPoint charts is actually entered in Excel. ï§ Press the down arrow key to move row by row, or click on the next cell down using the mouse. This scroll bar lets you see parts of the slide not currently displaying on-screen. Cette vidéo vous montre la technique à utiliser. search menu. This introduction provides an overview of new features that we explore throughout the book. Those related functions are further organized into groups. Cours Cours PowerPoint 2007 par Chantal Bourry en 56p. A list of thumbnails appears, outlining your various slide content options to choose from. Introduction to PowerPoint 2010 PowerPoint is a system in the Microsoft Office Suite that enables you to present information in office meetings, lectures and seminars to create maximum impact in a minimal amount of time. Again, you may only drag in one direction at a time. PowerPoint 2010 builds on previous versions to provide powerful tools for all your pre-sentation needs. In the bottom right of the PowerPoint screen you will also find buttons that you can also quickly access the different views. ï§ Choose More Effects⦠to see a complete list of effects. Ceci est un aperçu du document PDF, cliquez sur le lien de téléchargement pour obtenir le cours complet. Téléchargez ou consultez le cours en ligne Cours PowerPoint 2010, tutoriel PDF gratuit par Chantal Bourry en 61 pages. Specifically, we will progress from learning how to open Microsoft PowerPoint to actually creating a slideshow. Download with Google Download with Facebook. ï§ Select a chart type from the list on the left side of the Insert Chart dialog box. ï§ Enter a filename in the Filename window for the presentation and press Save. Tutorial PowerPoint 2010. The vertical scroll bar allows you to scroll through your slides. POWERPOINT BASICS: MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010 GETTING STARTED PAGE 02 Prerequisites What You Will Learn USING MICROSOFT POWERPOINT PAGE 03 Microsoft PowerPoint Components SIMPLE TASKS IN MICROSOFT POWERPOINT PAGE 06 Text Boxes Slide Design Slide Layout Inserting Clip Art Custom Animations Slide Management CLOSING MICROSOFT POWERPOINT … Start entering data in Row 2. Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 Aditya Bayu Chrisnapati … Other packages may have a viewer, but you cannot create presentations with them. ï§ Next, choose a sub-type from the icons to the right and click OK. Youâll now see a split screen; PowerPoint is on the left and Microsoft Excel has just launched and appears to the right, with sample chart data displayed. Download Full PDF Package. Cette page qui contient des liens vers des cours et des tutoriels est pour vous.! ï§ Clicking and dragging a thumbnail allows you to rearrange the slides in your presentation. As you enter your own data in place of the sample data, PowerPoint automatically updates the chart displaying on the PowerPoint side of the split screen. A slide indicator box to the left indicates each slide number as you pass by it. Aimerais-tu apprendre Cours PowerPoint 2010? There are two main differences between creating slides for a slideshow and creating a poster. Ces tutoriels et livres électroniques sont disponibles gratuitement et téléchargeables au format pdf. Cours BARDON - POWERPOINT 2010 / CHAPITRE 1 7 -Sous le titre « Modèles Office.com », les catégories proposées sont à télécharger. All right reserved 2021 copyright © PDFbib.com v1 - Cours, exercices corrigés, tutoriels et travaux pratiques en informatique. NOTE: Those thumbnails offer you content options in addition to the default bullet list. Ce fichier est accessible gratuitement. This overview of PowerPoint 2010 illustrates the basic steps required to build your presentations. ï§ Bullets appear automatically on each line. Certains cours sont réservés aux débutants, mais quel que soit votre niveau, vous devriez apprendre quelque chose. Le bloc « Police » : Figure 13 – Le bloc « Police ». ï§ If the bullet list doesn't have a selection box (a box bounded by dashed lines) around it, click anywhere inside it. ICT Training, Maxwell School of Syracuse University Page 6 Set the effect options, timing, or order for an animation Set the start time for an animation effect 1) On the slide, click the text or object that contains the animation effect for which you want to set the start timing. Adding a title and subtitle to this slide layout is as easy as clicking in the text boxes provided and typing. I will show you how to use each feature step by step so you you will learn PowerPoint 2010 easily and efficiently. You can crop, frame and rotate the image, among other. To expand both columns and rows, release the mouse after having dragged it in one direction and then repeat the process in the other direction. ï§ Displays the program title as well as the filename you assign your presentation upon saving it. Customizable toolbar that provides access to options that pertain to a Title slide screen 's on-screen prompts to enter (! See a complete list of effects by the after animation window appears to the left each. Office PowerPoint 2010, the vertical scroll bar allows you to create the most common s. Follow PowerPoint 's prompts. Prompts ) your own data, Click on a cell in the center the! 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