My source data is one sheet of a workbook. Probably the fastest way to get it back is to use the right-click menu. I have a worksheet that is just a list of items with a location listed next to each item. Table in excel had all the data, but did not show in pivot. the missing data (from report filter) is also not showing up in the slider. This will make the field list visible again and restore it's normal behavior. :). Above comments are carefully read, but so far no solution. All the sales rep names are listed, and all the categories are included. Simply unhiding the rows showed me the data I was missing. I don't see any filter, How do you remove all filters before setting up the pivot table, Pivot table is not showing all data from source, I had a similar issue with a pivot table not updating accordingly to the data source, which is a table in Excel. If I forget (as I had in this case) to pull the lookup function into the newly added rows, my pivot table will not update the information for those brokers. Usually, it's easy to sort an Excel pivot table – just click the drop down arrow in a pivot table heading, and select one of the sort options. When a filter is applied to a Pivot Table, you may see rows or columns disappear. However, if we add a second field to the Row labels area, Product, we’ll see a subtotal for each category appear as a row in the table. same file. The pivot table, an end-user report, shows If there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to let me know. This data from an external data sours , the pivot was created from 2003, and i user macro and user function   If you need to create a pivot table chart on a range that includes blank rows you’ll end up with a (blank) label. Right-click any cell in the pivot table and select Show Field List from the menu. I just installed Power Pivot, I have been DBA for SQL for many years. A pivot table in Excel allows you to spend less time maintaining your dashboards and reports and more time doing other useful things. Microsoft should do something about that. If items are unticked and new data appears it will only show the data from the ticked items and any new label will by default be unticked (if there was no filter on, then new labels would by default be ticked I will go ahead and close this thread. Some parts of the lines stay blank. The item is immediately hidden in the pivot table. I was having issues with creating pivot tables and the data fields not carrying over. However, when I add this field to the rows of my pivot table, it only displays the month in text format (ie, "Feb"), and then creates a separate column with the year. We need to view the Quantity, unit price and Total price categorized according to cities. a column of my source data sheet, and it's necessary to make sure I pull that formula down from the previous complete line to make sure I'm doing the broker name lookup in my source data before I go to my pivot table. in my pivot table I use 2 fields for filtering, these fields are coming from calculated colums. Pivot has refreshed itself. The moral to the story is to be sure that the cells being referenced in the pivot table actually contain data, and actually contain the expected data. That wasn’t the problem – the Attending column had a “Yes” for both Ida Gray and Ken Gray. My spreadsheet is macro-enabled and I use some custom functions for calculating the values in the column which my pivot table thinks is the output. now the problem is that after a while (few days, weeks) these filters are not showing the correct info anymore. The pivot table, an end-user report, shows by broker name, not initials. The file has 54000 rows, but I cannot imagine this is problematic. JudoJeff, when you say you have the same problem, it's not clear which you're speaking of - too much data or too little data. Right click on the row labels field in the pivot table and select Field settings. I too had this problem and believe I figured it out: I had some rows hidden. For example, in this pivot table, let’s add Category as a row label, Region as a column label field, and Total Sales as a value. Had you try to copy one of the problematic workbooks (the data inside) to a new one and see if the problem continues? Anyone any idea how to solve this? We are upgrading from Office 2007 to Office 2010, but I am not sure if the issue was on before. There are several suggested ways to remove this from pivot tables – but the most reliable I’ve found is to apply a filter on the labels to exclude (blank) . And I want my pivot table to show all columns, also the empty ones. I think the reason for the problem is that some filter was applyed on the database sheet at the time you setup the Pivot Table on the overview sheet. I have tried unfiltering all rows in my source data. Only seems to be effecting one of the fields. Just drag that in rows and you are done! Have gone to pivot table options > totals and filters and have checked "show grand total for rows" but wont show. Hi, In the first (left) scenario, the row name and the value name are visible as headers in the pivot table. Or, maybe there was a line break, or some other strange thing in those cells. it has "Blank" for one of my columns when it in fact has a real value. Learn this Excel Pivot Table tip which will quickly give you the correct row and column labels with a couple of clicks. Hi. Quickly Hide All But a Few Items. Note, I was able to figure this out as my "TOTAL" was showing correctly but individual items weren't. As I have not heard from you for several days. Excel 2010, 32bit on Win 7 Enterprise x64. I have tried removing filters entirely from my source data. By default, your pivot table shows only data items that have data. But in when I add a column, the column name ("SLA contract naam") AND the value are not visible in the pivot table as a header. Step2: go to Design tab in the Excel Ribbon, and click Report Layout command under Layout group, and select Show in Outline Form from the drop down menu list. Maybe it's the case of a corrupted file(s). What I did was: 1) I changed the data source for the pivot. I have created a pivot table from a data set. Worked for me. The answer was given but I want to share my experiences. In Excel, when you create a pivot table, the row labels are displayed as a compact layout, all the headings are listed in one column. Please post the results on the forum and mark as helpfull the answers that have helped you, if you get no solution, please post again for us to continue. I took two rows of the original data source. This article will tell you how to repeat row labels for group in Excel PivotTable. Pivot has refreshed itself and I saw all data in filters this time. First row with fields names and second one with values. I have tried re-creating the pivot table after modifying the value of cell. Note: The folder 14.0 is for Excel 2010, 12.0 is for Excel 2007, and 11.0 is for Excel 2003. Thanks! This time I selected the whole table. When I created a new PIVOT with the same range data was visible. There was no need to change a table into a range. In the example shown, a filter has been applied to exclude the East region. Running a quick SUM or something on your data may help you to figure out if it's actually missing or just hidden. Pivot table row labels side by side Posted on October 29, 2018 July 20, 2020 by Tomasz Decker If you use pivot tables there is a big chance that you want to place data labels side by side in different columns, instead of different rows. To change a table into a range did not work for me. Sometimes, you need to convert the compact layout to outline form to make the table more clearly. H. Hello2011 Using the filter (only 30-40 values) I saw empty values. --pivot table on sheet1 My table box shows all the correct data. Pivot table is picking up first row label but not second A query we often get via the website is that a pivot table is picking up first row label but not second row of labels. Pivot Table - Show Row Labels Horizontally (Not As Column Labels) Jan 16, 2014. but, if the problem is machine specific, try to fix the Excel settings at the registry in windows( at the user level, not to harm your computer). My data source is on a Sheet in the Excel 2010 file (Win 7 x64). I cannot get the row totals to show on my pivot chart. After creating a pivot table in Excel, you will see the row labels are listed in only one column. Now the pivot table updates according to changes in the data source. STEP 1: Click in the Pivot Table and choose PivotTable Tools > Options (Excel 2010) or Design (Excel 2013 & 2016) > Report Layouts > Show in Outline/Tabular Form STEP 2: Now to fill in the empty cells in the Row Labels you need to select PivotTable Tools > Options (Excel 2010) or Design (Excel 2013 & 2016) > Report Layouts > Repeat All Item Labels Shown below is a data set. The data on that entry sheet references each broker by their initials (easier to enter!). Pivot tables require that the source data be in a specific format. But, if you need to put the row labels on the same line to view the data more intuitively and clearly as following screenshots shown. in the workbook with vb, it brings in those extra, bad values that really don't exist in my source. For this, close all the Excel files that were oppened at the time, and: 1)Press the "Windows" and "R" keys and type REGEDIT and press open, to start the Registry editor in Windows. Is the problem resolved? ), we are all working with office 2010. I came to this post because I was having a problem in which new data was not showing up in my my pivot table. I am not filtering the source data, and it is a regular range, not a table. Then there's another sheet of the same workbook that cross references initials to full names. Pivot table will remember this order even when you refresh. The way I see, if the problem is file spécific try to copy all the data to another file and see if the problem is over. Hi all, Ive created a pivot table that has some rows that do not display if there are zeros for all the expressions. attached is qvw. that solved it for me. Have you tryed "Insert Slicer" it's into the "options" tab under "pivot table tools".You'll need to select the pivot table to gain access to the "Pivot table tools". Does it happens only in a specific machine? Right-click an item in the pivot table field, and click Field Settings In the Field Settings window, click on the Layout & Print tab. Try removing all the filters before you setup a new Pivot Table. Tip #1 Turning Off GetPivotData. if I take out all the expressions then all of the dimensions display (alas the table displays nothing and is then of... shall we say... limited usefulness). If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact it is on all machines. I am writing to see how everything is going with this issue. When converting the table to a regular range of data (. Now the pivot table updates according to changes in the data source. You can use a similar technique to hide most of the items in the Row Labels or Column Labels. Notice we see grand totals, but no subtotals. Under the Layout & Print tab you should see an option for Show items with no data . 1. To resolve this, select the cell where you are not able to see the value --> Right click --> expand / collapse --> expand. Don't forget to send the password if you set one. Some fields have no table head. so what i do after reading all replayes, 1- Occasionally though, you might run into pivot table sorting problems, where some items aren't in A-Z order. When inserting the pivot table it enters data into all rows and (assuming) columns, whether visible or not. Pivot table not pulling all data. Show in Outline Form or Show in Tabular form. The same can be achieved in Power BI too. The reason i could conclude is that, accidentally you might have selected the expand / collapse option. The no1 complaint that I get is “Why do my values show as a Count of … When you click the command button, Excel displays a menu with commands corresponding to locations for the data labels: None, Center, Left, Right, Above, and Below. The Data Labels command on the Design tab’s Add Chart Element menu in Excel allows you to label data markers with values from your pivot table. Some data were still missing. Firstly, you need to expand the row labels as outline form as above steps shows, and click one row label which you want to repeat in your pivot table. if you want, I can send the file so you can see what the problem is. Method #1: Show the Pivot Table Field List with the Right-click Menu. But, if I try to access the pivot items to copy the values to another place Pivot Table Sorting Problems In some cases, the pivot table … Continue reading "Excel Pivot Table Sorting Problems" The pivot table summarizes, by real estate brokers and by month, each broker's monthly sales volume (in $), with a YTD total at the end. Create a Matrix Visual (i.e. Some filter was applyed on the database sheet at the time you setup the Pivot Table on the overview sheet. values are missing and wrong information in the rest of the pivot is shown... if I make a copy of the calculated column (so that old and new are identical, only other column name) and use this in my pivot, the results are again correct. If you're using lookups and/or macros to populate some of these fields, check them again. The reason for this is very simple. If you want only repeat row labels for a specified field in your Pivot table, you can do the following steps: Step1: select one cell in your current pivot table. all. 1. неса с Qlik, Technology Partners Ecosystem Discussions. To show the item labels in every row, for all pivot fields: Select a cell in the pivot table On the Ribbon, click the Design tab, and click Report Layout Click Repeat All Item Labels Perhaps there was a space character in the Attending column, and that was showing in the pivot table. If I create a pivot table from the Sales_Data table, it will include all 100 records, not just the visible row records. 2.  Converting the table to a regular range of data, 2- Re-create the pivot with  removing all filter from sours data. This is a great Pivot Table hack which will save you time and give you automatic great row and column labels. Of course they existed in the data source which was in the Get some sleep, and try it again. One particular row still thinks 2. Show Values on Rows in Power BI. When converting the table to a regular range of data (, I am having a similar problem only instead of not seeing data from my source, I am seeing data that is NOT in my source. Often you might find yourself writing formulas outside of the pivot … Note that the column that is showing the erroneous blank does not have any custom functions or formulas at It worked for me and i'm not sure if step 1 or step 2 that solved the problem. It automatically hides these. that solved it for me. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to us and this thread will be re-opened. 2) open the following folders (hives) in sequency: HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> SOFTWARE >> MICROSOFT >> OFFICE >> 14.0, Inside 14.0 Right click Excel and rename it to Excel.old. Please try to convert the data source table to a regular range of data Look at this figure, which shows a pivot table […] I am also having the same problem. I'm using Excel 2010. The easier, but manual method: Drag and drop the row labels to re-arrange them. Hope this works for the once henceforth :). The above worked for the machine I was having issues with creating pivot tables and the data fields not carrying over. Pls also observe the last line... for UCS 97042011... where additonally the 2 records are combined in 1 line. I have a data source with a number of colunms which are coming from an external data source and the second part of the data sources is filled with formula's. Add a check mark in the ‘Show items with no data’ box. If in a network, what happens if you use the administrator account to access the Excel file? Thank you! One of the fields in the data set is a date field (and I've checked, Excel is recognising it as a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy). ... One of the rows or columns may have some filters switched on (e.g. This is because pivot tables, by default, display only items that contain data. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. To protect reports I will add this action to macro and do this with the file opening. Data is missing, and I can't figure out why. Does it happen just with one specific file? Make a Pivot Table. None signifies that […] Convert to range and fixed! I have a lookup function in some of the items are unticked). This inherent behavior may cause unintended problems for your data analysis. I had a similar issue with a pivot table not updating accordingly to the data source, which is a table in Excel. only way I can have all data back, is making a duplicate of the column in the source data and replace the pivot filter field with the new one. I took that list and made it into a pivot table and would like it to have it list the items with each location it is in displayed across. The relevant labels will My pivot table isn't showing all my values for each month and i can't figure out why. BTW, source is a table that is refresed from an external source. All of the above might be confusing for some people, so let’s gear up & start learning how the pivot table works in excel with the example. Good idea, please post the file at Skydrive or 4shared and I'll have a look on it. NOTE: If your pivot table source data has a huge number of records, the following technique could slow down your workbook. SUM RATHER THAN COUNT. Just wanted to add that I only see the extra values if I click the dropdown arrow for the field. The problem column is only a text entry. Except repeating the row labels for the entire pivot table, you can also apply the feature to a specific field in the pivot table only. As an alternative you can send it to renatoabc (at) hotmail (dot) com, I'll see what I can do. 2) I changed the data source again. 3) Close the Registry Editor, open Excel and see if the problem is over. In Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2010, by default if you create a pivot table, instead of showing the field names, it will say row labels and column labels. by broker name, not initials. Although it works I would not call it a great solution. We are not supposed to exclude certain results with a condition in the Pivot Table filter, but we can do it by using the “label filter.” For Ex: If we want to select any product with a certain currency like rupee or dollar, etc., then we can use a label filter – ‘does not contain’ and should give the condition. Normally the Blue column would disappear, because there are no entries for Blue in the North or West regions. Try removing all the filters before you setup a new Pivot Table, should work. When I select a view in from a SQL database it returns 219,000 rows, should be 500,00. If I forget (as I had in this case) to pull the lookup function into the newly added rows, my pivot table will not update the information for those brokers. It doesn't pull in those weird values to the table. My source contains data that is not shown in the pivot. DOWNLOAD EXCEL WORKBOOK. Of course there is a downside. The Best Office Productivity Tools